1 Room(s), 2 Guests
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1 Room(s), 2 Guests

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Golden View
The rating is intended as a general outline only and may be based on self-assessment by the accommodation itself or it is an outcome of our ratings of our company’s contracting department.
Poros - Saronic Islands Add to wish list Add to wish list
The Golden View Hotel is one of the first and most famous hotels to be built on Poros. The hotel has starred in many Greek films and over the years has developed a following of fiercely loyal clients who come regularly
Beachfront  Beachfront Families  Families

Very Good

TripAdvisor Rating 4.0 out of 5 Based on 138 Reviews

Enter your check-in and check-out dates in the calendar that will appear to see the exact room prices for your stay and to be able to sort by price.

The rating is intended as a general outline only and may be based on self-assessment by the accommodation itself or it is an outcome of our ratings of our company’s contracting department.
Aegina - Saronic Islands Add to wish list Add to wish list
In harmonic balance with the stunning scenery of the Saronic, the Katerina Hotel offers to its guests luxury accommodation in Aegina and unsurpassed service to suit your lifestyle. Discover among the pines, next to Agia Marina.
Beachfront  Beachfront Families  Families


TripAdvisor Rating 3.5 out of 5 Based on 38 Reviews

Enter your check-in and check-out dates in the calendar that will appear to see the exact room prices for your stay and to be able to sort by price.

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The rating is intended as a general outline only and may be based on self-assessment by the accommodation itself or it is an outcome of our ratings of our company’s contracting department.
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The rating is intended as a general outline only and may be based on self-assessment by the accommodation itself or it is an outcome of our ratings of our company’s contracting department.
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The rating is intended as a general outline only and may be based on self-assessment by the accommodation itself or it is an outcome of our ratings of our company’s contracting department.
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The rating is intended as a general outline only and may be based on self-assessment by the accommodation itself or it is an outcome of our ratings of our company’s contracting department.
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The rating is intended as a general outline only and may be based on self-assessment by the accommodation itself or it is an outcome of our ratings of our company’s contracting department.
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The rating is intended as a general outline only and may be based on self-assessment by the accommodation itself or it is an outcome of our ratings of our company’s contracting department.
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